pool accessories

Pool accessories every pool owner needs

Having a pool is nice and all but just like having a car, you may need a few accessories to really improve the experience during swimming. In this article we will get into the accessories needed to make your swimming experience better as well as unique.

Safety first

First, there are some basic accessories you need for your pool. The most obvious point to start would be the safety equipment. In the unfortunate event that someone is drowning in your pool then you need to be prepared, at least partially, for this emergency. The first accessory you should have is a first aid kit. This allows you to respond to any emergency before professional medics come through. Another accessory suited for an emergency would be a life hook. This provides a quick way to rescue people from drowning, especially young children. It works by extending the life hook into the pool, hooking it around the drowning individual and pulling them up to the surface and, if possible, pulling them out of the pool. Prevention is better than cure, so maybe another crucial accessory to have is life jackets. This can be used by beginner swimmers to keep them afloat and avoid drowning situations. Also, in the case where a swimmer finds himself drowning or helpless, life jackets can help keep them afloat as a proficient swimmer gets to them. Finally, a spine board should be on the list of your emergency accessories. This can be used to carry swimmers who have sustained an injury of some sort safely.

A clean pool is a fun pool

Next would be cleaning accessories. Swimming pools have an interesting dynamic when it comes to cleaning since you are trying to clean a body of water. A convenient way of cleaning your pool would be through the use of a chemical floater. The contraption just floats about your pool slowly dispensing the relevant chemicals and disinfecting as well as cleaning your pool. Another accessory you could use would be a pool vacuum cleaner. These come with strong and durable bristles that are adept at cleaning difficult stains or reaching stubborn algae. On the same vein, algae brushes are specifically made for dealing with algae. They come with stainless steel bristles that easily scrape off algae. Another idea would be to acquire a pool cover. This is especially for those who do not use a pool skimmer or don’t use their pool as often. Similar to pulling a cover over your car, having a pool cover keeps debris away from your pool as well as those annoying bugs that may unknowingly wander into your pool.

Music to your ears

Now that the basics are out of the way, we can get to the fun stuff! First off, we’re going to start with a Bluetooth speaker. Music is an effective manner to get any activity really going, moreso when you have a group of friends come over for swim. This does not need too much though; Just an adequate sound system with relevant music for the party. Now, with all the water flying around it may not be advisable to have any equipment that can easily malfunction due to water, so an idea would be to get a floating pool speaker. By virtue of being in the pool it only makes sense for the speaker to be a Bluetooth speaker (to avoid contact with electricity). The usefulness of these speakers is that they are waterproof and so should be ideal.

Fun in the sun

Another accessory that may be well worth your money is an inflatable hammock pool float. Imagine being in your pool in the summer heat lying on your back but without having the hassle of keeping yourself afloat. This is exactly what the hammock pool float offers. Some floating hammocks can withstand up to 150kg.

Light it up

LED lights are also another great pool accessory that actually double up as a safety measure as well as a decorative idea to improve the ambience of the pool. This is especially true if you’re having pool activities at night. The LED lights can be used to mark the boundaries of the pool and assist swimmers to carry on with their activities safely. Furthermore, creative lighting could really lift the ambience of the place at night. An example would be using red LED lights.

In conclusion, swimming pools have a variety of accessories available to pool owners. The priority should be acquiring some basic safety equipment and ensuring they are always next to the pool in case of any emergency and then adding surplus accessories to make it easier to maintain the pool as well as enhance your swimming experience.

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