Father’s Day Project - Install a Garden Shed!

Father’s Day Project: Install a Garden Shed!

With Father’s Day fast approaching, why not install a garden shed! Here are some reasons why installing a garden shed could be one of the best gifts you can give dad on his special day.


His very own space to chill

Living in a small housing space can stress out the most chilled-out dads. After-all, inner city living is a squeeze. Most homes don’t have the luxury of a spare room or garage to escape to. Maybe the budget doesn’t allow for costly renovations for an extra room or garage. This is where installing a garden shed that fits the space you do have is a realistic option. Let dad recharge in his very own space (consider it a man cave). Having a place dad can go to get some peace and quiet is not only important but can offer much needed relaxation.

Setting up the interior space of a garden shed with a comfortable chair and table can mean that dad can unwind and recharge away from a noisy young family. This space can be used by dad to pursue his hobbies like a space to jam out some music.

Giving dad his very own space to do his thing may be the best gift you could get him. Also, by installing it together you will always have fond memories.


Bond with dad over a shared hobby

Getting the kids away from their electronic devices to do something active can be a real struggle for many families. So why not set up the garden shed as a dedicated workspace where the kids can have their own workbench and some basic tools to build their own creations. This is even better if dad enjoys building things with the kids. Keeping those projects outside means they won’t mess up the house so less cleaning- woohoo! I know.

Some kids just love using their hands to make things. I’m talking about those kids who learn by ‘doing’ things. If you have a child who has a physical learning style (kinaesthetic learning), then a gardening or woodworking activity would suite them. Kids will enjoy having their own space where they have some tools to build something of their own choosing. Getting the kids making things will help with their independence because they will make things that interest them. Dad can pop in and offer his advice too.

Another benefit of keeping the kids occupied in a productive way is that it can give parents (namely dad) some quiet time too. In many ways, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

This can also be a time for father and son bonding, when the boys in the house go to their shed to work on a project together.


Environmental sustainability

Recycling is now mainstream amongst Australians. Most people are familiar with that anti-waste motto of reduce, reuse and recycle as an accepted part of life (this is why the biggest supermarket chains in Australia have banned free single-use plastic bags).

With the lead-up to Father’s Day, it seems people forget about sustainability and commercialism takes over. Shops everywhere have an array of typical father’s day gifts like mugs saying ‘Best Dad Ever’ and gift boxes of shaving kits. You could go down that easy road and stop by the chemist to pick something that looks like you’ve gone to a lot of effort. But why not give your dad something that will serve a real purpose?

Repairing broken things around the home is sustainability in action. When things break down, dad can repair them if he has some equipment and a workspace (in his very own garden shed) to accomplish all those odd jobs around the house.

Having a dedicated space to properly store garden equipment will reduce the need to replace these things because of long-term sun damage.

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