Portable BBQ

A Useful Guide to Buying a Portable BBQ

A portable BBQ grill is a great piece of equipment to have for anyone who wants to just get up and go have fun with family and friends. You can just call your friends, or gather your loved ones, get in your car and have a picnic at the park or at the beach, all while partaking in some sumptuous grilled steaks or sausages!

And even if you are not one who enjoys spontaneous trips, you can still find a portable BBQ grill handy if you enjoy grilling but just don’t have that much space at your place.

What You Should Know About a Portable BBQ Grill

What makes a portable BBQ grill stand out is its size. In particular, it is small which makes it handy and convenient to lug around on trips or just store at home whenever you are not grilling on your porch or in your backyard. As a matter of fact, there are models that feature the ability to fold the handles, making it easier to set aside whenever you have no use for it like during the wintertime.

Most portable BBQ grill models use propane and fortunately, you can gain access to propane cylinders fairly easily as you can purchase these at popular hardware shops or even home renovation stores. The usual sizes of propane tanks that you can purchase for your portable BBQ grill are that of 14.1 ounces and the slightly larger 16.4 ounces.

In keeping line with the convenient nature of the grill itself, these are also easy to transport. Should you want a larger tank, 10- or 20-pound tanks can also be bought. You would also need adapter hoses so that you can leave these larger tanks on the ground while you set your grill up on the table. Propane is an inexpensive fuel source, but bear in mind that the smaller your tank, the less cost-effective it is to grill on your portable BBQ.

You can also take a look at other kinds like a charcoal BBQ or even an electric one, it does not get any better than propane tanks which are far superior because they heat up quickly and unlike an electric one, you do not need to look for an outlet to plug it into.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Portable BBQ

1) The Size of the Portable BBQ

As mentioned above, the beauty of a portable BBQ lies in the nifty size that allows you to either bring it along with you on trips or keep with relative ease inside your storage area. Before heading out to purchase a portable BBQ, you better measure the area where you plan to keep it — whether it’s a cabinet or the trunk of your car — to make sure it would fit.

2) The Quality of the Grill

When shopping for a portable BBQ grill, you need to make sure its build is sturdy enough for it to last through many grilling sessions. Cast iron is a fine choice but one drawback is that the material is heavy, making it very difficult to lug around. One alternative you can look out for is cast aluminum, which is lighter.

3) Is It Easy to Clean?

A simple eye test can easily determine whether a portable BBQ grill would be easy or very challenging to clean. If its build has an intricate appearance, it’s likely that cleaning it would be a chore. So your best bet would be to go for a grill that features smooth lines. A grill that has a drip pan would be ideal as well.

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